Author: Corinne Ravier
Jeu sur la ville
Pour jouer Ă ce jeu tu as besoin d’un dĂ© et ĂȘtre au moins 2 joueurs. Voici les consignes en anglais:
You need a dice and a token. You âll play with someone. Each turn throw the dice and listen :
1 means go straight
2 means turn left
3 turn right
4 go straight
5 stop
6 any direction
The 1st one who arrives at home is the winner. Will it be you?
[embeddoc url=”” download=”all”]School subjects
Good-bye Amber !
Our breakfast to Amber
Mrs Donascimento’s students, Les marguerites school, Genas
Our introduction to CĂ©sar ( Mrs Buchy’s class)
Here is a newspaper in which we wrote about our lessons with CĂ©sar.
Mrs Buchy’s class, Simone Veil school, St Fons
Prince George’s first day at school, can you label his uniform?
English school: games to learn subjects, timetables and school vocabulary
Our drawings ( for Liz ) Ă©cole du Centre
Challenge n°2 answers
Here is a picture of Amber’s pets. Dori, Nemo and Marvin , her three little goldfish.