About me !

annexe1_liane            annexe2_liane

Hello, my name is Liane.


Liane McKay.

I come from the UK. I live in Scotland, in a city called Glasgow.

I’m 24 years old.

I like ice skating and I don’t like rugby.

I like Irn Bru and haggis, but I don’t like turkey.

I like cooking and I don’t like watching TV.

That’s it!

So who am I?


Here are the directions you will need to know if you ever get lost or someone asks you how to get somewhere!










My Town

In my town there is…

a building

an apartment building

a cinema

a cinema

a park

a park

a school

a school 

a store

a supermarket

a bus station

a bus stop 

a post office

a post office

a restaurant

a restaurant

a house

a house 

a museum

a museum

a theatre

a theatre

a street

a street

What is there in your town?