A partir de la proposition faite sur le site : https://www.deepspacesparkle.com/how-to-make-a-papel-picado/

For challenge 4 you need :
- Colorful Paper or Tissue Paper
- Scissors
- Markers
- String
- Tape

- First, fold a piece of paper in half and then in half again.
- Second, fold the sheet in half. Take your marker and draw a dot in the corner that is made up of folds.
- Next, take your scissors and cut shapes along all four sides. Do NOT cut the area with the dot.
- To cut a shape from the middle of the rectangle, fold the paper in half again, and cut a shape into the fold.
- When you are finished cutting, unfold your paper, and you will see it has many shapes in it.
- To hang up your Papel Picado, cut a long piece of string. Next, take your tape and tape the paper to the string. You can tape the string to the walls to hang your beautiful Papel Picado.