Challenge Number 3: The Answers

Hello everyone! Great work on the third challenge! We enjoyed reading all of your responses.

Here are all of the answers to the third challenge.

Christina’s Challenge

1. I can be green or purple. You can eat me or drink me .
What am I?  Answer: A grape

2. This is a fruit you can eat or drink. You just need to mix the colours yellow and red. Answer: An orange.

3. I have skin but I’m not a person
I can be peeled but I’m not a potato
I’m a fruit but I’m not an orange
I grow on trees but I’m not a banana
I’m usually red or green or yellow. Answer: An apple.

4. What has to be broken before you can eat it? Answer: An egg.

5. There’s white and milk and dark
These three types you might eat
As a type of candy. Answer: Chocolate


Louise’s Challenge

1. My father is 50 years old. My mother is 2 years older .

I am 27 years old. My sister is 4 years younger than me.

How old are my sister and my mother ? Answer: Sister is 23 years old. Mother is 52 years old.

2. My grandma is 77 years old. My aunt is 37 years younger than my grandma . How old is she ? Answer: Aunt is 40 years old.

3. When my father was 10 his brother was half of his age. When my father will be 100 how old will his brother be ? Answer: 95 years old.


Molly’s Challenge

1. I am wearing a jersey, a pair of shorts, shinguards, and cleats. Who am I ? Answer: A soccer player

2. I am white with black spots , what am I ? Answer: A soccerball.

3. The football field is 120 yards long. How long is it in meters ? Answer: 109.7 meters


Thank you everyone for participating in our challenge!

Challenge Number 3: The Responses

Hello! Here are the responses to Challenge Number 3 from The Grand Large’s students and Mrs Berthou.

Great work, everyone!

Molly’s questions :

  1. I am wearing a jersey, a pair of shorts, shinguards, and cleats. Who am I ?

He is a soccer player.

Pour trouver la réponse, nous avons dû écouter Molly, lire son texte puis aller sur le blog consulter l’article de Christina. C’est à ce moment que nous avons réussi à repérer le vocabulaire différent entre les tenues et accessoires des joueurs de foot et de football américain. Les élèves ont de cette manière tous eu accès au blog en classe. Cela les entrainera peut-être à y aller de chez eux.

  1. I am white with black spots , what am I ?

It is a soccer ball.

Pour cette réponse, nous avons regardé l’image montrant les ballons des deux jeux.

  1. The football field is 120 yards long. How long is it in meters ?

Nos joueurs de football disent que leur terrain de foot fait 120 m de long. Sur le net, il est écrit que le yard est comme le mètre et aussi que le yard est un tout petit peu plus grand que le mètre.


Christina’s questions :

  1. I can be green or purple. You can eat me or drink me . What am I?

It is grapes.

  1. This is a fruit you can eat or drink. You just need to mix the colours yellow and red!

It is orange.

  1. I have skin but I’m not a person
    I can be peeled but I’m not a potato
    I’m a fruit but I’m not an orange
    I grow on trees but I’m not a banana
    I’m usually red or green or yellow.

It is apple.

  1. What has to be broken before you can eat it?

It is eggs.

  1. There’s white and milk and dark
    These three types you might eat
    As a type of candy

It is chocolate.

Challenge N°3 Christina


Hello ! For the third challenge I have some riddles for you. All of these riddles are about the breakfast foods that you learned earlier. Write down your answers and send them to me.

  1. I can be green or purple. You can eat me or drink me .
    What am I?
  2. This is a fruit you can eat or drink. You just need to mix the colours yellow and red!
  3. I have skin but I’m not a person
    I can be peeled but I’m not a potato
    I’m a fruit but I’m not an orange
    I grow on trees but I’m not a banana
    I’m usually red or green or yellow.
  4. What has to be broken before you can eat it?
  5. There’s white and milk and dark
    These three types you might eat
    As a type of candy

Challenge 2: The Solutions

Cow Boy

He’s named cowboy because he was born on a cow farm.



Cinnamon is the same color as the spice, cinnamon. Her fur coat has many different swirls like a Cinnamon Roll.


Dr. Seuss & Babe:

Molly’s cat is named Dr. Seuss because of the author, Dr. Seuss. And her pig is named Babe because of the movie.